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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

The God that I know is so much smaller than the...

"The God that I know is so much smaller than the God that IS!!!!!!!" One love...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

Joy or Pain, the ONLY 2 ways you can learn, choose...

"Joy or Pain, the ONLY 2 ways you can learn, choose...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

If your ignorance doesn’t make you suffer, nothing will be learned.

If your ignorance doesn't make you suffer, nothing will be...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

Whatever happens in the mind, happens in the body, once in...

"Whatever happens in the mind, happens in the body, once in the body its difficult to think it...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

You see the world with your 2 eyes, you see yourself...

You see the world with your 2 eyes, you see yourself with your third...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

To lust means you are Unfulfilled within and in need of...

To lust means you are Unfulfilled within and in need of something...

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