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Category Archives: Uncategorized

Beautiful Scars, Inc.

Sometimes you need to feel the pain of defeat to activate...

"Sometimes you need to feel the pain of defeat to activate your PURPOSE."...

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I AM Stassi

No matter what your circumstances are at this moment... you have the tools needed to change your future. Whatever the defects are inside your character... you have the power to re- ignite your present situation and change your destiny utilizing...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

I AM Stassi

I AM are the two most powerful words on the planet because it declares you are no longer becoming… you are that... you have arrived… “I AM”. So be careful of the negative thoughts or phrases that follow after the statement “I Am”…...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

Struggle is necessary

Before anything or anyone can transform or change, STRUGGLE MUST take place. A caterpillar must first struggle in the cocoon before it can transform into the BEAUTIFUL butterfly. If someone has pity on the struggling caterpillar in the cocoon and...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

WE don’t see things as they are, WE see things as...

"WE don't see things as they are, WE see things as WE ARE." ONE LOVE...

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Beautiful Scars, Inc.

Be willing to do EXTRA. The difference between “Ordinary” and ”...

Be willing to do EXTRA. The difference between "Ordinary" and " Extraordinary" is EXTRA. One love...

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